Does your home reflect your true personality? If not, then why not give it a go? You can create something entirely unique with a little decoration and here and there. It won’t cost you a fortune and is one of the first things you should think about when you move into a new home. Read on to find out some great tips on what to do to infuse your new living space with a little bit of you.
New builds
Before we begin, a quick word about decorating new build houses. While they get a lot of stick for being bland, I tend to disagree. New homes are well-built, brand new, and give you an entirely blank canvas to work from. However, one thing to watch out for is the settlement period. You will find that your building takes a little while to adapt to its surroundings. So, you should avoid any serious decorating for at least a year. Although it’s likely to be tempting, try and resist. Cracks will appear at some point as the building settles, and all your efforts and money will have been for nothing.
Adding colour
Colours are a very personal thing, and they can be used to reflect our personalities. Bright and bubbly people tend to go for more vivid colours, such as yellow and orange. Romantics will enjoy a splash of dark red while profound and moody folks tend to go for darker tones and hues. It’s up to you what you choose, but be careful not to go too far. No matter how moody you might be, nobody will enjoy living in a home painted entirely black – and don’t forget to add some lighting, too.
Travel memorabilia
Why not grab a few pieces the next time you go abroad? If you want to avoid the same old look as everyone else, then foreign climes can often be the place to find something different. Little knick-knacks that you pick up from a Moroccan market or a South American village can really add some flavour. And, of course, it will remind you of those great times that you had.

Create your own artwork
I love creating my own artwork, and nothing is better for displaying your personality. If you can paint a bit, why not create some of your own? Canvas and oil paints are cheap to pick up from craft stores, and your only limits are your imagination. You could blow up some of your favourite photos, too – some family snaps, for example. A blank frame and sheet of glass are all you need to hang your photographs. And, it costs far less than the overpriced framed photos you might see in the shops.
Bring in some nature
The next time you go for a walk in some woods or down to the beach have a look around. You will be surprised by what you might find. Shells, pieces of wood, twigs, and many other things can all be brought home and used for some unique decor ideas.

As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do if you want to add some personality to your home. Try and see what you can come with – and let me know how you get on.
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