You’ve got a budget, which you (mostly) stick to. You know exactly how much you have to pay out on your food shop and make sure you don’t spend over …
Senior Citizen Homes: How They Bring Emotional Stability for Senior Citizens
Ageing is an unavoidable part of life. It is inevitable and no matter how hard you try to avoid it or run away from it, it ultimately catches you. So …
There is no doubt that your home is the most important asset and the biggest investment in your life. As it provides you with a shelter along with a secure …
How to Prolong the Life of Your Boiler
There are plenty of things in the home that people tend to take for granted, that is until they break down. Your boiler is a great example of a major …
5 Custom Design Ideas for Your Family Room
If you’re currently researching ways to design your home, you’ve likely been spending your days perusing through a lot of pictures online and in magazines. There are plenty of ideas …
Lucy Shore, Creative Designer at window dressing expert, Swish, comments on using the colour of the year to best effect: “The light and bright feel of Living Coral makes it …
How to Sell Your House Quickly When You Need to Relocate
Of all the reasons you may need to relocate quickly, most are work-related relocations. Sometimes you are given a promotion at work that would necessitate you moving to a new …
Top Tips to Restore Your Home After Renovating
Renovations can make your house feel brand new and give your rooms a new lease of life. However, in the interim between your renovations and your perfect house, there can …
The hidden factors of renovating your home
We’re always trying to improve our space, whether that’s to increase the sale value or to try and create our dream home. We often find that we are glued to …
5 Home Areas to Refurnish in 2019
Every New Year brings the opportunity to right the wrongs of the past and to renew our resolutions once more. The New Year also means a chance to do an …