Are you tired of seeing fog or condensation appear on your veranda windows? Calm down! Two solutions can solve your problem. Just isolate the reason why this tough issue reappears every time the thermometer drops suddenly or when there is heavy rain.
The first piece of advice is that you should air your veranda. The first reason that such issues arise is the poor ventilation of your veranda. Firstly, you need to check that you have an air inlet affixed and that this is not blocked. If you don’t have one, that may be one of the first reasons that you experience condensation. So, do not hesitate to ventilate your room as much as possible and if the problem persists, then perhaps you need a VMC in addition.
Why replace my windows?
Several years ago, the first generation of double glazing appeared. It turns out that over time, they did not maintain their tightness and allowed air, dust and humidity to pass through, something that caused very significant energy losses. This is also the reason why you sometimes experience condensation, condensation that slips between the two glasses that make up your double glazing. As you might have already understood, if you are equipped with these old glazings, then you are consuming more energy than you should.
Furthermore, you need to consider improving the insulation of your veranda. This will also reduce energy costs in your house.

How to improve the insulation of your veranda?
Generally speaking, it is never too late to do the right thing. It is always possible to improve the insulation of your veranda after its construction. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t essentially insulate your veranda against the cold. You can also insulate yourself from the heat, greenhouse effect or even noise. This is why many people undertake to renovate their veranda every year.
The first piece of advice that you will receive from an expert is to insulate the roof of your veranda. it is well known that heat rises, which is why a poorly insulated veranda roof will cost you clearly because you will have to heat the room strongly to maintain a barely comfortable temperature. This is why replacing the glazing of your veranda roof with panels if this is not the case already, will considerably improve the insulation of your veranda. As such, we must distinguish between polycarbonate sheets and panels which are completely opaque, something that will ensure a cool summer and protect you from the greenhouse effect if you live in a very sunny region.

Many owners discover that their veranda is almost unbearable in the summer with temperatures sometimes approaching approximately 50 degrees Celsius. Some solutions are installing interior blinds, blackout blinds, shutters, solutions that will definitely protect you from the greenhouse effect. You can partially control the light intensity of your veranda by partially opening your shutters and your blinds.

[…] RELATED: Condensation in the veranda: what to do? […]