Creating a Quirky Exercise Space in your Lounge

We all have to versatile at everything in our lives today from work to living-space which just means that you can work on your dreams of either an ideal home, job or both but right now this is the space that needs to fit into your life and not the other way round!

The facts

Maybe you are an undergraduate student living in a dormitory with others, or you share a flat with your mates or… well the fact is you have limited space, probably no garden and to keep up a healthy lifestyle to fit in with your work schedule and the habits of your flat mates, you have to shift furniture around and make it also safe.

The living-room is limited which will confine your exercise routine (one step to the left, you’ve reached a table and three or four larger ones you are facing a wall or plant!).


Exercise and space

Clear some space that will be easy to do each time which does not entail lifting just moving objects over.


Contemporary with the traditional

Mix and combine the modern with the traditional in your area which will allow for such movement because the furniture will not be bulky but fun and modern. You can pick up an inexpensive clock at a flea market and change the wallpaper to one that shows bookshelves, so that is one less object in your way! So here you can show off with ease your cardio exercises from floor pumps to leg lifts and do throw in some side movements to get the sweat and pain combination on its way.


Modern and tribal

Whether you want the serene with the minimalist, you can create your space with pure white that is also displaying glossy versus matt on certain surfaces, why not arrange some tribal based creations that may not break the bank but add a touch of fun and contemporary to your living quarters (see above picture). Plus the exercises can become a little more fun too and bring some elements of dance with movement which will need dance shoes at move dancewear.


The natural look

For those who want to keep to a comfortable and homely feel, choose the wicker feel which keeps the nest like a cocoon. Although you will need to interrupt the wood design: you can do this with red patterns on anything from cushions to paintings. The coffee tables can be small chests that double up and there on the floor, you are comfortable doing your stretches with some soft mood music.


Eclectic touch

With a leather sofa in the room, there is the option to place a white throw on it which will tone it down. Putting a large mirror above it to reflect a collection of items, will enlarge the space: the endearing additions will create an unusual feel that sparks originality. Removing the symmetry of matching side tables to bring in your style.


Fitness and style in one room conforms to the ingredients of today.