As the cost of living and the cost of utility bills has drastically become more expensive this year, many homeowners are looking for home improvement projects they can do in order to cut down their utility bills.
So today, we’ve made this guide of 6 simple and easy home improvement projects that you can undertake in your home to cut down your utility bills.
Install A New Showerhead For More Efficient Water Usage
First off, let’s look at how you can save some money on your water bills this year, while water bills are typically the cheapest utility, you can still make some changes to save a bit of money this year. By simply swapping your shower head out for a newer ‘low-flow’ shower head you’ll use a lot less water every time you have a shower, which will result in cheaper water bills each month.

Add Thermal Blinds To Your Windows For Additional Insulation
Next, let’s look at how you can save on your heating bills, which are typically the most expensive utility at this time of the year. If your windows aren’t insulated, you’ll be spending more money than necessary to heat your home in the Winter as you lose heat through your home’s windows. This can be resolved by installing energy saving thermal blinds on your windows to add a layer of insulation and prevent heat loss through your windows.

Upgrade Your Lightbulbs To Newer & More Efficient Bulbs
Now it’s time to look at your electricity bills, in the Winter especially a good part of your electricity bills will be from having the lights on in your home. While you’ll always need lights on dark Winter days, you can reduce how much electricity you use to keep your home lit, by upgrading your old lightbulbs to newer and more energy-efficient LED lightbulbs which will reduce your energy usage.

Use Sealant To Prevent Draughts Around Air Vents
Moving on from electricity bills, let’s look at how you can further reduce your heating bills. If you have air vents in your home that aren’t properly sealed, they could be causing draughts of cold air to leak into your home which will make your heating inefficient. This can be easily fixed, by using sealant around the edges of any leaky vents, which will prevent draughts and allow your heating to operate efficiently.

Install A Rain Collector To Reduce Your Household Water Demands
Looking at your water bills again, if you maintain a nice garden, you’ll notice that you need a lot of water to keep all your plants happy and healthy. Using water from a hose may seem like the best option, but for bigger gardens, you can quickly run up your water bill when gardening. But, by installing a rainwater collector, you can get free water to use in your garden, all you need to do is set up a rain collector and wait for it to fill up.
Reduce Heat Loss By Insulating Water Pipes
And finally, we have one more way you can keep your heating bills in check. If your water pipes are uninsulated, the hot water inside can lose heat as it travels around your home as cold air cools the pipes. This isn’t ideal as your boiler will have to work extra to maintain your desired heat. However, you can keep the water in your pipes warmer for longer by adding pipe insulation to the pipes, which will help your home’s heating.