The bedroom is a child’s space to make their own. It’s a safe space and a space that should reflect who they are as a person. Every child is different, which makes decorating their bedroom a fun activity for all the chapters within their childhood – and for every child you end up having.

How do you create a fun bedroom space for your children to thrive in as they grow? What do they need that perhaps you don’t require in your room or that they could do without?

When you’re looking to create a fun space for your children, here’s everything you need to know about decorating your child’s bedroom this year.

How To Create A Fun Bedroom For Your Children

Look at the colours available for decorating

Colours are an important part of the decorating process and for kids, the type of colours, designs and textures you use when decorating the space can make a big difference to how they feel when looking at the results.

To get started, take a look at the colour wheel available for paints. Explore the options when it comes to wallpaper, even though that can prove the more challenging of the two to decorate with.

Having bright and vibrant colours is a great way to decorate the space and can certainly be more exciting than the muted colours many adults tend to go for when it comes to their bedrooms.

The beauty of paint in particular is that it’s easy to paint over and redo with something new, which is ideal with growing kids whose opinion on their bedroom decorations will change as they grow up.

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Display their artwork

Displaying artwork is something to think about when it comes to decorating. There’s nothing quite so touching as seeing your child’s artwork up in their bedroom – and taking up less room in the kitchen!

Of course, you want to hold onto every bit of artwork your child draws, but there’s only so much fridge door space. With that in mind, you might want to take some of their latest creations and put them up on the wall. You could frame it to make it look professional or digitize it in a digital frame that can be placed on a side table for example.

Displaying artwork that they’ve created is fun and can be a great way to make use of their artwork that will hopefully remain on their walls for many years to come.

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Incorporate plenty of family memories

When does a house become a home? When you fill it with memories your child’s bedroom should look no different. When decorating the space, you should incorporate whatever family memories you and your child want within the room.

These might be memories of them when they can’t remember or recent memories that you want them to look back on with fondness and nostalgia.

Family memories are great to look back on and there should be plenty of nods to family fun and gatherings over the years, even when your child hits the teenage years. It can be great to create a bedroom that acts like a time capsule for all your memories.

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Make it a learning experience with educational decor

A fun bedroom should be a learning experience for your child too. As they’re growing, it’s important to continue life’s lessons within the home and not just in an educational setting like nursery or school.

If you want to create a fun bedroom, look at what learning opportunities you can incorporate into the room too. For example, you might look to bring in a few nursery rhyme songs in the form of furniture or artwork.

It could be that you look at adding in a clock or something that helps them with their maths or other subjects they’ll be taking in school eventually. The more educational value you can provide to their bedroom, the greater benefit it provides for them when they reach school age.

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Invest in durable furniture and flooring

Durable furniture and flooring are a given. Children aren’t dainty when it comes to their activities when playing and running around. That’s why you must be investing your money into durable furniture that’s not going to get damaged so easily. The same goes for your flooring too.

Consider what type of furniture your child’s bedroom needs and opt for the strongest options, even if that does mean taking a slight knock to the level of style in the home. The same goes for flooring.

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Have a fun bed for relaxing and entertaining

It’s helpful if your child has fun when it comes to spending time in their bedroom and one way you can do that is by having a fun bed that they can relax and be entertained in. Nothing does that more than a cool gaming bed.

These are great for giving your kids an opportunity to sleep and play in the same space. It also makes it helpful for a child’s bedroom that is perhaps on the smaller side and therefore you need to use furniture like a bed that can double up as a desk or play space.

If your kid is an avid gamer, then this is something they’ll love adding to the space.

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Let your kids get involved in the decorating

Letting your kids get involved in decorating when it comes to the bedroom is important. It can spark their creativity and allow them to put their stamp on the bedroom they’ll be using daily.

Look at how they could get involved, whether it’s helping to decorate the space or adding in the furniture they like the look of most. Find the most child-appropriate tasks and leave the adult stuff to the parents.

Creating a fun and interesting bedroom is great for children, so make sure you utilise all of these tips to make the most out of your kid’s bedroom when decorating it this year.

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