The change of season signals a time when we naturally want to hibernate but if you want life to be less stressful and chaotic then it’s time to get organised and declutter now. Here I share 5 handy tips:

1. Before you hit the shops to get new season clothes to check what you still have from last year. Making a list is essential, keep it on your phone or write it on a piece of paper, but do make a list. It will help you focus on what you need.

The British wardrobe is made up of three parts: the all-year-round clothes, the heavy winter gear and the summer holiday wardrobe. Inspect the winter clothes from last year and have a look at your all-year-round wardrobe. What items are still in good condition so they can be worn again, what needs replacing and what have you kept from last year although you didn’t wear it at all (is it time to let it go?). This way you can start to make a shopping list of essential items (a new pair of jeans, replace black trousers, get an extra little black dress, find another top for a green cardigan etc.). Also, have a look at the colour of your current wardrobe. What colour do you love to wear and what is missing?

2. Not only does your clothes wardrobe need investigating but also your shoes, bags, accessories, scarves/hats, winter coats, wellies, sleepwear, underwear, socks/tights and of course check if you still have an umbrella and other raingear. Is there anything that needs repairing at the dry cleaners (or can you fix it yourself?) and are there any shoes or boots in need of repair? Preparing for these things in advance will give you a much better idea of the budget you will need.

Also, if you have any jewellery you don’t particularly don’t like anymore or is not in trend anymore, you can sell your jewellery for cash.


3. Now it’s time to put away those summer holiday clothes. Maybe you are lucky and you have a spare wardrobe so you can swap your summer and winter clothes, maybe your large suitcase is the perfect place to store your items, Rope Storage Hamper Baskets with Lids (see below) or vacuum packing your clothes might be the best way forward. Do what works for you and schedule some time to get yourself organised. If you also have children in your family you want to do the same for them and have a look if the Halloween costumes from last year can be used again or if they have grown a size or two over the past year!

Storage Basket Hamper Box
Storage Basket Hamper Brown Paper Rope with Lid Set of 4 by ClarisWorld

4. Store away all the summer stuff like picnic blankets, foldable chairs, cool bags, parasols, hats and sunglasses. Any leftover sun cream needs to be thrown away since it’s not recommended to use next year. Also, garden furniture, gazebos and the BBQ need to be cleaned and stored away in a garden shed or garage—or maybe they can be covered with special sheets. Make sure you keep that lawnmower within easy reach since you will probably be cutting the grass before winter. As you tidy up your garage or shed, keep an eye out for old fuel, oils, or pesticides that might have been forgotten about over time. These items can be hazardous and should be disposed of carefully. Professional waste removal services, like can help ensure such materials are handled and disposed of responsibly. The same will apply if you are getting rid of asbestos in these areas. You should not be handling this yourself, which is why businesses such as the one mentioned is paramount when it comes to doing anything substantial to your home. It can start out as decluttering but then turn into something more essential. Try and do any other outdoor jobs before it gets cold and wet. You might want to check the gutters, sort out your garden or even hand wash your car before the weather holds you back. Check the tyres of your car to see if they are in good enough condition for the rainy weather.

5. Where are you going to store your bikes, the canoe and your surfboard? Is it time to get the skis out of storage so you can have them waxed? When was the last time you had your boiler serviced? Now’s the time to plan those jobs and be organised!

Please remember this all doesn’t have to be done in one weekend. Plan some time over the next 6-8 weekends and do one job at a time not all at once.