You may be thinking about making some alterations to your home this year. It’s possible you are thinking of remodelling or decorating. Perhaps you would like to generate some extra storage or improve the energy efficiency of your lighting systems. Projects large or small enable you to put that unique twist on your home to create your perfect property. No matter how long they take, you can take pride in the job and enjoyment of living in a house that reflects your personality.
LED lighting has become very affordable and widely available. You can find LED lights for your home in most supermarkets and online. In your living room, you may choose to have LED light bulbs in your ceiling fittings. Alternatively, placing LEDs in your standard lamps will also save you on your energy bill. Some people like to have a string of LED bulbs similar to those found in Christmas decorations. These could be placed around your fire surround for a softer, moodier lighting effect.
In the kitchen, you can install kickboard LED spots. They can be any colour you like. The light shines across a tiled floor and brings out any crushed crystal in the tiles. You may be able to install LED lights under your cupboard, and in your ceiling spotlights too. The kitchen is a great place to install LEDs as they can be brighter and more focused than other kinds of bulbs.
Your bathroom is used throughout the day and the night so finding the right levels of light at different times can be tricky. Look for lighting options anywhere you can. Try bathroom cabinets with lights and fitting some small LED spots in your fitted cabinets or skirting board. Downlighters from your ceiling can often be fitted with LED bulbs to help save you money on your energy bills. Taps can also be purchased featuring lighting that indicates the temperature or just adds some effects.

In the bedroom, you may choose one of the SAD lights to help you wake gently in the morning. Your bedside lamps may be touch lamps to make it easier to turn the light on in the dark. While most people prefer complete darkness for sleeping, a few might enjoy some colour-changing LEDs to enhance the mood of the room. Finally, install some ceiling downlighters for when you need all the lights on.

LEDs are so energy efficient they run on batteries for prolonged periods of time. This means you can add some LED lighting to your home even if you aren’t ready to remodel just yet. Other uses for the LED bulbs under battery power include torches, bicycle lights, and garden lighting. Adding a movement or light sensor to them means they can make great lighting systems for storage containers and under stairs areas. With such an enormous array of lighting choices, you can start to transform your home with next to nothing. Whatever your budget now, in the long term, LEDs will save you significantly on your electric bill.

[…] is an essential element of a house and having good mood lighting can really play into the feeling of it being homely, but also looking a bit different. If you only […]