If there’s any reason to get a larger home than you currently have, it’s probably to get more storage space. Over the years, it’s easy for people to gather up a lot of stuff ranging from clothes and books to furniture and memorabilia. With enough stuff, it can feel like your entire home is cluttered with junk that you rarely use.
This is why it’s important to organize your home’s storage space now and then, so here are a couple of tips to help you do just that.
Aim to declutter more often
Before you start organizing your home and storage spaces, it’s a good idea to declutter as much as you can. It’s going to feel really daunting at first to declutter, especially if there’s a lot of stuff in your home. However, we promise that it gets easier and faster the more often you do it. The first time you declutter will probably take some time, and it’s going to feel like you want to keep more than you get rid of. But stick to it, and you’ll find that it’s easier and easier to get rid of unwanted goods.

Using under-furniture storage options
One of the best storage hacks we can recommend is making use of the space under your furniture. For example, perhaps there’s a lot of clearance under your sofa where you can slide something in, or maybe you could invest in a bed frame that has drawers underneath it. These are really helpful for when you need to make the most of a small room or home where storage options are limited, and they can be surprisingly practical to store everyday items. Other options include an ottoman with a storage compartment, multi-functional furniture with extra storage compartments, or even in-floor storage options.

Make use of all the vertical space in your home
Vertical space is heavily underutilized because we just forget about it. Whether it’s in your walk-in wardrobes or empty walls in your home, there are a lot of ways to take full advantage of the vertical space in your home. You can install more shelves, use more hanging storage options, or even get taller bookshelves and cupboards. In short, try to make use of all the space in your home, and try to think outside the box when it comes to utilizing vertical space.

Maximizing the space in your closets and drawers
The problem that a lot of us have when using closets and drawers is that we don’t utilize all of the space. For example, the inside of the wardrobe might be fairly tall, so to make the most of the space, you have to stack lots of different items. However, this can be impractical if you need to take something from the bottom or the middle. So to counteract this, we highly recommend installing closet organizers, shelves, and even hanging racks to make the most of your closet space. You could even add over-the-door organizers that hook onto the doors to get even more space.