As the leaves begin to turn and fall from the trees in your garden, and the air begins to get a bit chillier, you might be thinking about what you can do to prepare your outdoor space for the autumn and winter months. Neglecting to take care of your garden especially during cold snaps and miserable weather can leave the place looking extremely run down come the spring and summer. This is only going to increase the amount of work you’re required to do to bring it back to its former glory. Here are our suggestions for taking care of your garden before the end of the year.
Repair Fences
Autumn and winter are notorious for destroying fences beyond repair. Ensure you’ve treated and taken care of your fences properly to avoid a costly replacement next year. The wetter, colder weather can split and warp wood and it can also cause heavy rot, which just can’t be fixed. Even iron fences will end up rusting as time goes on and this will all lead to your home looking somewhat dilapidated.

Protect Furniture
Winter storms and downpours are not great for your outside furniture. First of all, you’ll want to make sure that everything is well protected and treated, as with your fences. Woods should be varnished, and you might even consider getting some large covers for your suites. If you’re feeling a bit saddened by the thought of leaving your garden behind during this colder period, you could even consider adding something to provide some shelter and respite. Choose from a range of awnings from Nationwide LTD to not only allow you to stay outside for longer, regardless of what the weather is doing but also to provide some extra shielding for your outdoor furniture saving you the hassle of bringing it all inside. Don’t forget to add some outdoor heaters and lights to keep the place looking and feeling cosy and welcoming.

Pruning And Planting
There are lots of things you’ll need to do with your trees and plants before and during the Autumn time. Pruning dead leaves and cutting back plants that have finished flowering is a good way to get them ready for the colder, darker months. This gives them a chance to put their energy into new growth and it looks much nicer once dead branches are removed. As well as taking care of your grown plants, it might also be worth planting some new ones ready for the springtime. Flowers such as the Mauve Ball, California Poppy and Marigolds are excellent choices to plant at this time.

Assist The Natural World
While animals are designed to withstand the outdoors relatively well, especially in the winter, sometimes providing an extra helping hand can do wonders for critters preparing to hibernate. Why not add a few bird boxes or even hedgehog homes for them to settle in, as well as providing them with access to food? Suet is a great choice to help birds build up fat to resist those freezing temperatures, and don’t forget to provide water too. Helping nature will in turn invite them to help your garden by eating pests and, of course, it’s quite rewarding to know you’ve helped them out as well.