As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. You might think this is a simple saying, but it’s actually more accurate than you might think.
Your home can have an effect on your health. Some physical symptoms, such as damage to your respiratory system, can be affected by the air in your home.
Indoor air pollution isn’t the only health issue many of us face in our homes. One factor you might not consider is how your home’s design, layout and size can have an impact on your mental health.
With many of us spending an increasing amount of time indoors because of the rise of remote working, it’s now more important than ever before that we focus on creating homes that benefit our mental and physical well-being.
In this article, we’ll explain the ways in which your home can affect your mood, and what you can do to fix your property and make it comfortable and welcoming.
More Natural Light Helps Improve Your Mood
A lack of natural daylight can cause issues with your mood, particularly your happiness. Also, if you don’t get enough sunlight, then your body’s circadian rhythms can become out of sync, which can disrupt your health and well-being. If you’re building your own property or extending your home, you should consider getting a BRE daylight and sunlight assessment. You’ll then be able to ensure that your property will get enough natural light once your project is complete. A survey such as this will also help you to design each room and ensure that it gets the right amount of natural light. Natural light is important for your mood, as well as creating a well-lit space that doesn’t need a lot of electric illumination. With more natural light, you’ll be able to reduce your reliance on electrical lamps and main lighting, which will also save you money in the long run.

Having A Relaxing Bedroom Can Help You Sleep
Sleep is crucial for all elements of your health, including your mental well-being. If you don’t get enough quality sleep, then you might find yourself feeling physically and mentally drained. As such, you should try to create a relaxing and comfortable bedroom environment. Your bedroom is where you will sleep, so try to avoid working in the same space, and create a dedicated space just for relaxing and resting in. Choose soothing colours and relaxing natural patterns to create a calming atmosphere. It would be best if you also tried to choose a bedroom that is quiet and away from any significant distractions, such as loud noises or bright lights, such as those from main roads. Selecting the right bedroom and creating a relaxing environment can significantly help you to get the rest that your body and mind both need to function properly.

Excessive Clutter Around The Home Can Be Stressful
Having a cluttered home can be stressful, as it can overstimulate you and impede your ability to focus. As such, you should try to avoid having too many extra items in your home. If you have a lot of large pieces of furniture or excessive items in your home, then consider putting some things that you don’t need into storage. Alternatively, you could consider getting rid of anything that you don’t use regularly. By de-cluttering your home, you can make more space for the things you love. You’ll also have more to move around your property, which will make you feel more comfortable and might make your home feel larger than it is. Giving yourself the illusion of space can be a great way to improve your mood and relax.

Living With The Right People Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
As well as the layout of your home, you also need to make sure you choose the right people to live with. Living alone can benefit some people, but it can also be lonely for those who are used to spending a lot of time with others. If you want to live with other people, then make sure that you choose the right people who will be supportive, considerate and engaging. It’s not just who you live with either; you need to make sure everyone has enough private space. With the right roommates and enough space for each of you, you’ll be able to relax in your home and feel at ease while spending time with the people you care about.

Colour Psychology Can Help You Manage Your Emotions
Deciding on the colours you like isn’t just about fashion; the colours you decorate your home in can have a significant effect on your emotions. Colour psychology can be applied to interior design to help you to make the most out of your home. For example, red is an energising colour that can be useful in rooms such as living areas or home offices to make everyone feel happy and motivated. On the other hand, pale blue is a relaxing colour that can be useful for bathrooms or bedrooms, and other spaces where you need to relax and rejuvenate. By choosing the right colours for your home, you can make yourself feel more comfortable and improve your general mood.

The Bottom Line
Ultimately, where you live is a key part of your identity and personal life, so it’s vital that you do your best to create a comfortable space you can feel at home in. That’s particularly true if you spend a lot of time in your home. For example, anyone who works from home or is a carer for someone who is housebound will spend more time inside than those who work away from home. As such, you need to be aware of how your home affects your mood and what you can do to improve it. This article provides practical insight into the effects your home has on your mood, mind and emotions and what you can do to enhance them. It might take some time, but eventually, you’ll be able to feel comfortable and relaxed in your home.
[…] you feel more alive, lessen the mental load and make you appreciate being in the moment. RELATED: The Influence Your Home Has On Your Mental Well-being And What You Can Do About It Book it in, in advance: Another hack is mentally and physically booking it in, in advance. People […]