Renovating a home is an exciting but expensive project. However, for DIYers, doing the renovation themselves is cost-effective. Staining your deck can give life to your property. It can also add value as well as contribute to the aesthetics of the surrounding. A beautiful outdoor space can be created through a simple staining project.
If you plan on beautifying your wooden deck, you should look for the best wood deck stain for your project. Wood is a versatile material found outside and inside a home. Therefore, acquiring the right stain and maintaining it regularly is important.
Why You Should Consider Staining Your Deck
A wooden deck looks nice and that is why it is desirable. Whether it’s hardwood or softwood, some antiques appear beautiful because of the patina that has formed on them over time. The appearance of the patina is one of the reasons for staining wooden items.
Additionally, you can easily repaint your deck, but staining is aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, selecting a suitable colour makes your home appear more attractive and valuable. It provides some form of emphasis that lends character to the wood. And it makes an ordinary item appear more elegant and expensive.
How to Choose the Best Wood Stain
Below are tips for choosing an ideal wood stain.
1. Colour Preference
Stains come in a wide range of colours and not all will appeal to you. When you are considering the colour to choose, you need to decide if you want it to match or complement the existing colours of the exterior.
Also, there are light and dark finishes; which one appeals more to you? Do you like coloured stains or natural ones? You can check this website to see some images and ideas that can help you answer these questions. Ensure you do extensive research and request samples before making a buying decision.
2. The Coverage
There are 2 types of coverage: the heavy and the light. Do you want coverage that projects the wood’s grain? Or do you want one that makes it shine subtly? The answers to these questions will help you determine if a semi-transparent or a solid sealant will be good for you.
3. The Type of Light Source
When looking for the best stain, you need to decide if the decking will be outdoors or indoors. You also need to consider the light source that it will be exposed to. This will play a significant role when making a purchase.
It is important to first assess the wood before staining. And if necessary, sand and cleanup to ascertain how the final look will be affected.
4. The Type of Wood
The type of decking wood will determine the stains to use. This is because wood texture affects the result of a staining process. So, you have to check if it is smooth, porous, or rough.

Types of Stain for Wooden Deck
The following are stains for a wooden deck:
1. Water-based
It is environmentally friendly and does not contain a lot of polluted particles. It does not also produce any VOC (volatile organic compound). Also, it enhances wood grain but is quite difficult to use because it dries quickly.
To overcome this fast-drying characteristic, most woodworkers use a solvent that evaporates slowly like lacquer retarder or propylene glycol. However, this will reduce the stain colour.
2. Oil-based
This type is very popular because of its durability and deep penetration ability. It contains varnish and linseed oil, which is natural, non-toxic oil. It is also a good preservative for wood paint or finish.
3. Gel
This type is a liquid with high-viscosity and is well-known because it has thick pigments that are in form of jelly. This keeps the gel even as it does not leak or flow like other stains even if you place the wood in a vertical position. It is useful for situations that require control.
You can check out to know more about types of stain.
We share a lot of fun moments on the deck and applying the correct stain on it will enhance the appearance of the entire property. Therefore, the tips shared in this article will guide you in making the right choice.

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