You just go out to throw garbage or pick up the morning press, and suddenly you hear a sound that cuts you off. Yes, the door closed, and you stayed outside in your slippers. Suppose it’s a cold morning in Belfast, or your kid or pet was left alone in the house. In that case, that will make this situation even more uncomfortable.
Below you can see some guidelines on how to open a lock, but only if you have the required gadgets or tools:
Entering through a window is a good idea, you certainly don’t someone to think you’re breaking into the house. Breaking the lock can do extra damage, and you’re probably not even used to it. Luckily, you took your phone with you.
All you can do is google for the nearest locksmith. Still, even though your case is kind of an emergency, you shouldn’t hire the first locksmith you run into. You may not have time for detailed research, but you can certainly check reviews to find a good one. It also pays to do your research, looking at this resource on key code locations and their uses can greatly speed up the process of having a new key cut with whichever locksmith you choose to employ.
Local Search
This is quite a logical start to the search because you need someone who can show up at your address very quickly. But it is at this step that people make the biggest mistake. When you’re not sober, you could call the first locksmith who pops up in their search, or who is, by some chance, available, without any prior research. In some cases, that turns out to be the wrong move.
It may happen that this is not a locksmith from your area at all, which means that you will pay more for their arrival. You may then hire someone who doesn’t have enough experience or doesn’t hold a work license.
And finally, one of the mistakes that can happen is to call the national locksmith service. They work only with certified service providers in Belfast, but they can send you an emergency locksmith who may not be skilled enough.
Try to remember a friend or relative who has recently used the services of a locksmith. Call them and ask for a recommendation. If they were pleased with the service provider they hired, there is a good chance that you will be too. Just make sure they recommend only license holders.

Look for Licensed Locksmiths
If you continue searching for a locksmith on your own, keep in mind that you need only certified contractors. Those who don’t have a license may do their job professionally, but don’t give you any guarantees and liability in case of damage or poorly performed intervention.
It may take you a few minutes to check this information, but it can be a lifesaver. Do a quick check of the service providers’ websites and look for a license number. If it doesn’t exist, these are locksmiths that should not be engaged because not holding a license carries certain risks.
If you don’t have time to look for a license number this way, remember the name of the nearest service providers. Then go on a website of an association and look for particular locksmiths by name. If they are listed there, it means they are safe to work with it.

See Who Can Come Around the Clock
You have finally recorded the phone numbers of a few nearby locksmiths that seem most reliable to you. Give them a call and check if they are available. Some of them probably don’t offer emergency service, but they can come by a call. Just remember that such interventions often cost more.
If your accident happened during business hours, you might not find an available locksmith immediately. So contact the service providers who offer 24-hour help, because they certainly have backup teams, just because of cases like yours. Make sure these locksmiths are reputed and with good reviews. Maybe you need them for other things, like rekeying or changing locks. See here when you should do any of these.
If you are locked outside the house or car, the minutes can seem like years. It is important to be sober and to make an effort to find a reliable locksmith to solve your lock issue. Remember that you entrust access to your home to these service providers, which means you have to be very careful who you hire.

I 100% agree with the description you gave in the introduction. That happened to me so many times, too! But I like that you pointed out the most important stuff here. As for me, I checked all the boxes you were describing for a reputable locksmith to hire and this Locksmiths B4 I have been working with for our home and the office. All I can say is, never consider breaking into your property when you can hire professionals for the job!
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[…] RELATED: Tips for Hiring an Emergency Locksmith Next Time You’re Locked Out […]
[…] RELATED: Tips for Hiring an Emergency Locksmith Next Time You’re Locked Out […]