There isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for the kids. That includes helping them make their room all about them. There has been a sudden surge in bedroom furniture ideas incorporating the bed that is bringing much excitement to the market. It used to be that bunk beds were for sleeping in, and cabin beds would have a cupboard underneath. Now there are hundreds of design ideas incorporating sleeping, studying, storage and playing into a single piece of furniture. Some designs even incorporate fireman’s poles or slides for getting out of bed in the morning!
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It really is an exciting time to be a kid (or the parent of the kid!). Modern houses are so much smaller than they used to be, and it is difficult to afford a home with a playroom. Storage ideas require a whole different level of creativity. Gone are the days when simple trolleys with plastic drawers were adequate for storing all your action figures. Kids want themed rooms, and that requires more upmarket, designer storage solutions.
One of the dangers of too many storage items in the room is you tend to lose the personality and design of the room itself. The walls and carpet can end up hidden, and the room is overcrowded with cupboards and drawers. To preserve some personality in the bedroom, try keeping one wall completely free of furniture. You could then design your own custom wall murals to reflect your child’s tastes and character. Forget stencilling. You could try a giant mural of your kid’s favourite toy or TV character!
Keeping the noise upstairs impeding on what you are doing downstairs is always challenging in houses. Covering the kids room in carpet is one way to dull the thuds of excited play, but it may not still be looking fresh and bright a couple of months down the line. Felt tip pens, play doh, glitter and foodstuffs manage to get embedded in the fibres of a carpet. Not only can it look grimy and tatty, it may well be unhygienic. Dust is not good for kids to inhale while they are sleeping, and carpets hold onto dust in abundance. Choosing a laminate or solid wood flooring may be easier to clean, but the acoustics may well drive you potty! Try adding a machine washable rug or too, for a good compromise.
The light in your child’s room is an essential consideration. Some experts recommend total darkness at sleep times, while others rave about the benefits of night lights. Black-out curtains are a good way to keep out the vast majority of evening or early morning light. A night light they can easily reach to turn on for comfort could be a good idea. It also helps you see to check in on them when you go to bed. Having the main light on a dimmer switch means you can help slowly wake them in the morning if they sleep in. It can also lessen the impact of a sudden light source if you need to clean up a night time mess.