The average UK homeowner may already have a pretty good idea of how solar panel systems work and what benefits come with them, and many have made the investment and are now reaping the rewards. But there have been solid advancements in the renewable energy sector, particularly solar panel types and installations. You can now also benefit from another kind of installation that has been touted better than the standard, on-roof panel system. In-roof or integrated solar installations have become a lot more popular. Although they are still similar to standard panels, the big difference is that they will not sit on top of your roof but will replace a portion of it and sit evenly with your other roof tiles. But what else is it about integrated installations that make them a lucrative choice? Here’s your all-important guide to in-roof or integrated solar installations: everything you need to know.
Your introduction to integrated panels
Integrated or in-roof installations are quite similar in look, design, and functionality to standard installations, but the only difference is that in-roof panels can serve two purposes: they can serve as the actual covering of your roof, and they can also generate electricity for your home or property. In other words, they are your actual solar panel roof since you no longer need to have tiles underneath the panels because they will serve as the roof cover for a portion of your roof structure.

Because an in-roof system doesn’t require tiles under the panels, they look more appealing and blend in more easily and seamlessly with your roof structure and the façade of your building. Unlike standard installations that can appear unsightly and look more like an afterthought, integrated solar panel installations look like they are simply a part of the structure.
What are their benefits?
Now we come to the best part: their benefits. Those who have installed them will have already proven their benefits, but since they are an investment for your home or property, you would understandably have your questions regarding what these benefits are. Let’s have a look:
Virtually maintenance-free
One distinguishing aspect of integrated panel installations is that they are virtually maintenance-free. This comes about because the panels sit evenly with your roof’s slates or tiles, so there is no space or gap where debris, dust, and pests can accumulate or roost. Aside from this, the panels themselves should last for more than 30 years, and if they need replacement, you don’t need to disassemble any roof element or tiles. Since the panels have no tiles under them, you can carry out the required repairs without dealing with intricate components and with no need for help from an installer or electrician.

Quick and easy installation
If you have a new roof or an extension to your existing structure or building and would like to have a solar installation, regulations stipulate that tiles should be fixed using clips or nails. With this, installing an on-roof system can be more difficult because installers may need to break tiles, attach brackets, and the like. In contrast, your integrated panel system can easily be installed by the solar installer, and they will fix the solar panels and their flashings prior to the work of the contractor fixing the covering of the roof surrounding them.

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[…] RELATED: Your All-Important Guide to In-Roof or Integrated Solar Installations: Everything You Need to Know […]
[…] RELATED: Your All-Important Guide to In-Roof or Integrated Solar Installations: Everything You Need to Know […]
[…] RELATED: Your All-Important Guide to In-Roof or Integrated Solar Installations: Everything You Need to Know […]
[…] RELATED: Your All-Important Guide to In-Roof or Integrated Solar Installations: Everything You Need to Know […]